Executive Service positions are those that are above General Schedule (GS) grade 15 or equivalent positions in the federal government. The Senior Executive Service includes most managerial, supervisory, and policy posts. It is necessary to include the Executive Core Qualifications (ECQs), fulfill the Technical Qualifications, and demonstrate your experience at the highest level in order to be considered for SES by the Qualification Review Board (QRB). We make certain that your CV reflects your leadership, innovation, and ability to deal with issues as well as your ability to cultivate connections and form coalitions. We utilize your previous successes to demonstrate a remarkable career. We create a direct, powerful resume and show your aptitude for the requirements, policies, and objectives of the United States.
5 page SES ECQ All inclusive resume:
For the SES position, the Executive Federal Resume format is generally 5 pages. This is a challenging task since the number of information must be reduced to 5 pages while highlighting the most important facts about your leadership qualifications.
5 Page SES Resume and separate ECQs:
The ECQ is a separate document that can be up to 10 pages long or the number of pages stated in the job advertisement. It should be written in the Challenge-Action-Results Model, which is a required writing style required by the OPM Quality Review Board. We focus on matching your achievements, leadership, and abilities to each ECQ.
ECQs may be replaced by a federal agency selecting five executive competencies as Strategic Vision, Coalition Building, Leadership, Resilience, Human Capital Management, and others.
There is some variation based on the job announcement and the agency’s selection criteria. It is critical to follow the directions provided in the job posting. We can write a traditional resume or convert it to a five-page SES resume.
5 Executive Core Competencies:
Our goal is to make sure that the ECQ’s match over 20 leadership skills.
Leading Change – It is the competence to influence strategic change both inside and outside of an organization to achieve organizational objectives. Creativity and innovation, external awareness, flexibility, resilience, strategic thinking, and vision are some of the factors to consider.
Leading People – Meeting the organization’s vision, mission, and goals and leading others are all essential components of this basic qualification. Factors include Conflict Management, Leveraging Diversity, Developing Others, and Team Building.
Results Driven – This core qualification is concerned with achieving high-quality results via applying technical knowledge, the analysis of challenges, and the calculation of risks. This includes achieving company objectives as well as exceeding consumer expectations. Factors include Accountability, Customer Service, Decisiveness, Entrepreneurship, Problem Solving, and Technical Credibility.
Business Acumen – The capacity to prepare for and manage human, financial, and information resources effectively. Business examples include Financial, Human Resources, and Information Technology Management.
Building Coalitions – It is important to achieve your goals through coalition-building inside your organization and with other federal agencies, local and state governments, foreign governments, nonprofit and private sector groups, and international organizations. What techniques have you utilized to form coalitions to achieve your objectives? Factors include Partnering, Political Savvy, and Influencing/Negotiating.